Monday, June 11, 2012

Toddlers...and Tiaras!

Last Tuesday the nurse at T's school called me and told me that he seemed to be experiencing symptoms indicative of a gastro-bug and that it would probably be best if someone could pick him up early from school. We have been blessed to have a very healthy child, so whenever I get a call like that from the nurse I hop to it and get my munchkin. Also, my overactive/hypochondriac mind was 99% sure that T had Salmonella, E.Coli, Ebola, or some sort of mutant combination of all three. Imagine my surprise when the first thing out of T's mouth is "I want a cupcake." Hmm, maybe he doesn't have a life threatening illness after all! I would rather pick up a child who is totally fine from school than an ill one any day of the week, so that was fine with me.

                                    (Does this look like a sick child to you? Love my big boy.)

Once we settled in at home T climbed into my bed with his daddy's Nook tablet and left me to my own devices. It was a strange and rare moment; I had the television all to myself! What does one do with the free time to watch anything she wants on television? This gal right here got comfortable with one of her guilty pleasure TV shows:                      
                                                   Toddlers and Tiaras

I know I should hate this show, but I just can't. I am simultaneously horrified and fascinated by each episode, and I was secretly thrilled when I saw that it was available on Netflix. Sometimes I find myself cheering the girls on, and sometimes I find myself slack-jawed thinking Please Lord, don't let this actually be happening. In this particular episode one of the pageants had a segment called "Anything Goes". I don't know about y'all, but can I just say that for me that feels a little too much like Spring Break 2007?  

What about y'all: What are some of your guilty pleasure TV shows?




  1. Well, Flavor of Love was the best show of all time, but now I watch The Only way is Essex sometimes =) Love those British accents.

  2. Teen mom, and probably the worst in the world Jersey Shore.. I am seriously hoping to see another season before Snooks has her babe!
