Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Trapped in the Closet

This is not a post about R. Kelly. By closet I meant bedroom, but I felt like R. Kelly in that I was trapped and upset, and really, nobody's Monday should start off the way mine did. Let me explain...

It's Monday morning and after pressing snooze on my alarm a number of times, I roll out of bed ( I am 32 weeks pregnant and it literally is a roll/heave maneuver), running late but in a good mood. After getting myself dressed and ready for work, I walk into T's room to wake him up and get him ready for school; his precious body is snuggled up in blankets and for just a second the world stops and I am overtaken by love so deep it feels almost trite to write about it. The moment passes and I am back into Morning Mommy Mode: T is awake, in a good mood, and dressed in under five minutes and I am feeling good! I walk over to the door and open it...except it doesn't open. I try again, clearly I am just not turning the knob...except I am. "Oh My God!" I say. Troy looks up at me "What's wrong, Mommy?" I calmly say (I'm still calm at this point) "The door is locked, babe." I should take this opportunity to explain that after T figured out how to open and lock doors we moved the lock to the outside of the door, thus preventing him from any late night escapes. And so now he and I are both trapped in his room.No problem, I think, I'll just call Chad and see what he suggests, then I'll call work and let them know about my little predicament so I don't get in trouble if I am missing for hours. I'm feeling better because I have a plan, until I realize that I don't have my phone. "OH MY GOD, I DON'T HAVE MY PHONE!" The situation has escalated.

I jiggle the door, twist the knob with all my might, pull on the bottom of the door and nothing happens. Not.A.Thing. This goes on for about 20 minutes and I am officially panicking.  In my head I am pretty sure that the situation will progress in the following way: 1. I will not show up for work and will be trapped in this room with T all day long with no food or bathroom. 2. I will be fired for not showing up to work. 3. Work will call Chad and he will not even be able to get into the apartment because the chain lock is on the door. 4. The apartment will catch on fire and we will die. Seriously, this is how my mind works. Sensing the severity of the situation T brings over his first aid kit and hands it to me "Open this, I"ll help you" he says, and I do it because, really, who wouldn't? I am sweating and my tummy is gurgling so I rip off my cardigan like a mad-woman and as it hits T's rocking chair, I hear the sound of my badge rustling. Never have I been more thankful to work in a place that requires badges and secured access, because my badge is going to get us out of this room! After about five minutes of wedging my badge between the door and the lock I hear a glorious pop! and we are free. Nobody was fired and nothing caught on fire and we were out the front door in minutes.

That night Chad and I hid a used Fresh Market gift card in T's room, so that just in case this situation ever happens again we will be prepared. Because you just never know...

So, I hope that if anyone had a rough Monday morning they can get some pleasure from reading about mine. And even if you had a wonderful Monday morning, go ahead and laugh, I know I am.


Amanda Jean

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